Digitize your exhibition for the world wide web

Tenth digital exhibition published in Daphne Collection.

In March 2022, the ninth and tenth digital exhibitions went online with collections of the Von der Heydt-Museum and the Berlin Wall Foundation.  

We are pleased about the growth of our Daphne Collection from Wuppertal and Berlin and wish both projects great success and many visitors! Please also have a look at:

- https://sammlung.von-der-heydt-museum.de

- https://sammlung.stiftung-berliner-mauer.de

Collection presentation has never been so convenient!

The digitization of collections and exhibitions continues to be one of the central challenges of the museum industry. With the collection database robotron*Daphne, Robotron offers the possibility to record and manage even large collections with above-average efficiency. With the Daphne-Collection module, users can also make their objects and data accessible to a wide audience via the Internet.

The data collected in robotron*Daphne forms the basis of the online presence. Thanks to its responsive design, virtual collections can also be displayed in an optimized way on any pad or smartphone and operated according to Android or iOS guidelines.

Further information: https://www.robotron-daphne.de/en/daphne-collection

