Daphne in Sweden

For the first time Robotron presents its collection database robotron*Daphne to the interested public at the ICOM Conference in Sweden. As an exclusive sponsoring partner, Robotron is given the opportunity to convince a specialist audience from all over Europe of robotron*Daphne. At the conference organized by ICOM Germany and ICOM North, more than 300 participants from many countries are expected. A good and, above all, exciting way to introduce robotron*Daphne, to conduct interesting discussions, to develop new ideas and, of course, to present the new features like the Geobrowser, the QR code integration and the literature module.

With 119 national committees and 35,000 members, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) is the largest cultural network in the world. ICOM Germany has 5000 personal and institutional members.
